Un articolo importante in prima pagina sul Pulitzer Center sui bambini portati via dalle loro madri protettive italiane By Eleonora Francica. Italy’s kidnapped children — a story of institutional violence

4 Marzo 2023 | Redazione

v. il video di presentazione del servizio di Eleonora Francica


Stolen children – a story of institutional violence” è il risultato del mio reportage sulla violenza agita dalle istituzioni italiane contro i minori coinvolti in casi di custodia definiti dai tribunali ad “alta conflittualità”. Una storia che mette in evidenza la necessità di riformare le leggi italiane sull’infanzia.Eleonora Francica

My project, “Stolen Children,” is featured on the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting webpage.It is an achievement to know that this dramatic issue affecting the Italian juvenile legal system is being read internationally. Knowing that awareness is being spread about this underreported reality is an honor.To read the whole project on the Pulitzer Center’s website, click here“: https://pulitzercenter.org/people/eleonora-francica

Il mio progetto, “Bambini rubati”, è presente sulla pagina web Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting È una conquista sapere che questa drammatica questione che riguarda il sistema giuridico minorile italiano viene letta a livello internazionale. Sapere che si diffonde consapevolezza su questa realtà sottosegnalata è un onore.

Per leggere l’intero progetto sul sito del Centro Pulitzer clicca qui: https://pulitzercenter.org/people/eleonora-francica?fbclid=IwAR3fgPZ36afhGJR7yTmMMCn0TA9b0qMfMdXn-L8q_qsx4mc9Ho7wqFMJ0qM

Per leggere la storia, clicca qui: https://pulitzercenter.org/…/italys-kidnapped-children…

L’articolo e’ stato pubblicato da Politico il 4 marzo 2023 e dal Pulitzer Center

Not just in the U.S.: an Italian commission has found (at least) 230 Italian children were forcibly removed by law enforcement from their safe moms, most accused of “alienation” bc the children refused to go to their fathers, many of whom were abusive. In Italy the resistant child is taken into foster care temporarily and then frequently the custody is switched to the fathers from the mothers.From POLITICO Europe: “According to the Italian Foster Care Commission, there are no laws in Italy that directly authorize the forced removal of minors by law enforcement — not even in “high-conflict” family court cases. And the only law, according to Giannone, that does regulate forced removals applies only when a child is at risk of abandonment or death. Those are the cases in which social services are allowed to take a child with assistance from law enforcement — but only when there is “necessity and urgency.” However, in the cases the commission was able to examine in detail, “necessity and urgency” was never present. Paolo Crepet, an Italian psychiatrist and sociologist, says changes have to be made to Italy’s child law system, seeing such court-ordered removals as tantamount to authorized kidnapping. According to him, one of the big challenges in this regard will be stocking the courts with judges trained in child psychology [and abuse] — the removals of both Giovanni and Davide were ordered by a court w honorary judges who didn’t even have law degrees and who support the disputed theory of parental alienation. “All Family Courts should have a line beyond which they cannot go: You don’t do violence to a child. Let’s find another solution,” Crepet said. According to him, when a child is violently ripped from their environment in these ways, “they suffer enormous violence. Danielle Pollack



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